EFS-2500 Paint Stripper for Masonry use is extremely effective for removing multiple layers of architectural and tough industrial coatings off most exterior and interior surfaces, also lead paint removal and asbestos caulking. EFS-2500 for Masonry use is formulated to act anywhere from 1 hour – overnight depending on condition of…
All of your rusted home goods are given new life by EFS-3500. Any rusted item, including cast iron cookware, grill grates, cutlery, antiques, and anything metal, can be safely cleaned with it. It has a water-based composition that is non-toxic, healthy for the environment, and quickly dissolves rust without scrubbing.…
EFS-2500 is an innovative water-based Paint Remover that is safe for the user, substrate and the environment. It is safe to use on metal, fiberglass, carbon fiber and many more. The EFS-2500 is used in many different industries such as aviation, marine, automotive, bicycles, etc. EFS-2500 is formulated to act…