ProGuard Canada

Ocean Honda Dealership

Ocean Honda is located in the heart of San Juan Capistrano, California. From as far South as Oceanside and as far North as Irvine and, of course, San Juan Capistrano itself, employees of the dealership live, work and flourish in the area selling all types of Honda automotive models.


After seeing the first-hand effects of Diamon-Fusion low-maintenance coating at his home, Ocean Honda owner, Steve John, requested that the glass treatment be applied to all the glass at his newly built car dealership.

Using state-of-the-art nanotechnology, Diamon-Fusion chemically bonds to the surface of the glass by filling in the microscopic peaks and valleys creating an ultra-thin transparent barrier. This invisible barrier repels water, oil, dirt, grime and other contaminants from adhering to the glass for better protection and easier cleanup.

The team at Central Coast Diamon-Fusion applied the low-maintenance coating to the entire building (over 3,160 square feet), keeping the glass in pristine condition, as well as providing long-term protection.

“I loved the way Diamon-Fusion performed on the windows, showers, and tile and granite at my home so much that I had the team at DFI apply it to the window of my dealership and my courtesy shuttle vehicles.” – Steve John, Owner of Ocean Honda, San Juan Capistrano, California

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