AQURON® 300-MWC is a transparent, amorphous, VOC free, CATALYZED colloidal silica hydrogel liquid additive used to create affordable, high performance concrete.
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Mix Water Conditioner, Concrete Waterproofing Admixture
AQURON® 300-MWC is a transparent, amorphous, VOC free, CATALYZED colloidal silica hydrogel liquid additive used to create affordable, high performance concrete. It does this by significantly increasing the effectiveness and percentage of hydration of the cement particle during the batching, placement and curing stages of concrete.
INCREASED CEMENT PARTICLE HYDRATION – 300 MWC optimizes concrete mix water /cement particle hydrolysis during concrete production related to cast in place, Portland cement based concrete applications. 300 MWC achieves up to 96% overall hydration rates, while acting as an internal cure. This reduces bleed water eliminating channeling.
300 MWC also achieves increased hydration without increased heat. Working time and other critical fresh concrete properties are not adversely affected. As such, changes to standard mix designs are not required.
AQURON® 300-MWC – is an advanced eco-friendly, multi-functional, waterproofing liquid admixture for concrete that enhances strength, provides integral waterproofing and corrosion protection, and increases long term durability. It also enhances workability for a superior placement experience.
The basics of the technology is colloidal silica hydrogels. Colloidal silica hydrogels are nano-size and able to work in the nano-size concrete pores. On average a typical concrete pore is around 50 nano meters, and colloidal silica is in the range of 5-20 nano meters in size. To give scale, a human hair is 100,000 nano metres.
During the batching, placement and curing stages, AQURON 300 thoroughly saturates every cement particle and retains the vital moisture for hydration in a hydrogel. This promotes a uniform and controlled hydration which is proven to reduce shrinkage and cracking by between 20 and 35% (depending on the mix) when compared to standard concrete.
Working time and other critical fresh concrete properties are not adversely affected when using AQURON 300, meaning no changes to standard mix designs is needed.
AQURON 300 enhances rheology and mix workability, making it useful for awkward placements and pumping into small cavities where a higher slump is required with minimized strength losses.
AQURON 300 will self-heal non-moving cracks up to 0.5mm. AQURON 300 is fully compatible with any paint, coating or adhesive designed for bare concrete; it does not introduce any element not already found within the concrete. The hydrogel is maintained for the design life of the concrete, you cannot remove or reverse the chemical reaction that forms the hydrogel.

- Adds workability by increasing lubricity
- Alleviates/eliminates plastic cracking
- Reduces bleed water volume
- Improves strengths and increases density
- Increases impermeability and durability
- Improves surface abrasion resistance
- Lowers internal chemical reaction potential
- Reduces capillary action potential
- Reduces absorption rate
- Lowers/eliminates potential for dusting and slab curl
- Lowers chloride-induced corrosion potential
- Increases acid/chemical resistance
- Decreases cementitious material waste
- Works to greatly reduce shrinkage cracking and slab curl